miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013



Activity 2

1.- The different between Grammar- Translation Method and how to use the target language is that with the first one you can´t use the second language to communicate because it only teach you about the language and it grammar. For this reason Grammar-Translation Method is not so important.

2. - The difference between deductive and inductive treatment of grammar is that inductive use the teaching rules of grammar and the student finally target it. Deductive gives grammar and at the end activities are connected to the rules.

3. - None of hese techniques are from the principles of the Audio- Lingual Method, but the “b” one is closer to that method because the “a” and “b” option talk about Grammar Translation.

5. - The Total Physical Response characteristics are similar to the way how children acquire their native language, these are: the students learn language with input, the use of the imperative, the child relate the action so they imitate and at the beginning of the learning the student stay in silence.

7. - An example of a part of a plan with TPR is the next one: we want to teach different school material of the children with present simple and present continuous. We play as “Simon´s says” and we said to the children: catch your pencil, catch your rubber, catch your scissors,… Then we said them put on the table you pencil, put on the table your rubber, put on the table your scissors,… And at the end we will said the girls writes with pen and the boys cuts with the scissors, the girls cut with the scissors and the boys remove with the rubber,….

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