lunes, 7 de enero de 2013

READER: Matilda and the mystery of the ghost

I choose Matilda's book by Roald Dahl to do a reader as I wanted to create a children's story based on this story. Because I think it is a different story compared to the typical children’s stories.

This paper has been very difficult for me, because the book is very long to make a reader for children. For this reason I created Matilda and the mystery of the ghost, where I told part of the Matilda's book.
It was a challenge!.

viernes, 4 de enero de 2013

Activity: Art in class

Still life and sculpture by Ramona Riquelme
We tell with the picture what kind of objects are in it.
Then we tell about the artist and we find information about that.
We create our own still-life with pictures which children have cut from different magazines.
Behind the images, the children will write the names of fruits with our help.

Also we can create our sill-life with real fruit, and the children can write labels with the names of fruits which they will put in those fruits.

miércoles, 2 de enero de 2013

STORYTELLING: Dear Zoo by Rod Campbell

I choose Dear Zoo by Rob Campbell because I think that it is very funny for the children. It has easy vocabulary and grammar, and it repeats the same structure throughout the story so that it is appropriate for children.

It has flaps which you can ask questions to their students so they have to guess which animal is there.
You powers that children improve their imagination, communication, and also with this book you can create a very special atmosphere and you can have a relationship between the teacher and children are closer.
And you not only teach animals but also
colours, adjectives for describe…



Activity 2

1.- The different between Grammar- Translation Method and how to use the target language is that with the first one you can´t use the second language to communicate because it only teach you about the language and it grammar. For this reason Grammar-Translation Method is not so important.

2. - The difference between deductive and inductive treatment of grammar is that inductive use the teaching rules of grammar and the student finally target it. Deductive gives grammar and at the end activities are connected to the rules.

3. - None of hese techniques are from the principles of the Audio- Lingual Method, but the “b” one is closer to that method because the “a” and “b” option talk about Grammar Translation.

5. - The Total Physical Response characteristics are similar to the way how children acquire their native language, these are: the students learn language with input, the use of the imperative, the child relate the action so they imitate and at the beginning of the learning the student stay in silence.

7. - An example of a part of a plan with TPR is the next one: we want to teach different school material of the children with present simple and present continuous. We play as “Simon´s says” and we said to the children: catch your pencil, catch your rubber, catch your scissors,… Then we said them put on the table you pencil, put on the table your rubber, put on the table your scissors,… And at the end we will said the girls writes with pen and the boys cuts with the scissors, the girls cut with the scissors and the boys remove with the rubber,….


We thought some activities that we can prepare to children after a listening about parts of the body and actions with it. The activity consist in put the correct order of the pictures and matching it with a phrase.

Other activity that we thought to do, after the one that I explain, is playing "Simon says". And then, the children can sing the song while they do actions relation with the song.


This is an activity which we did in class with a picture and a listening. After doing it we invented the following that we could do with children with activities before, while and after a similar listening:
Learn parts of body.
Vocabulary about different things in the picture.

The children have this task:



Who is smoking two cigarettes?

Who is drinking orange juice?

Who is reading?

Who is yellow?

In this task, the children have to write the name of the alien.
We ask to the children:
  • What are they celebrating?
  • Whose is the Roman's birthday?

TEXT: Today is a special day, it is Roman´s birthday and he has invited all his friends. We can see Carly who is always reading the newspaper … or Marlu that is the same colour as the Sun …

ZOG by Julia Donaldson

We´ll choose the book Zog to tell it to young children between 5 or 6 years old because it´s a good story, very funny and it´s very motivating. We thought that it´s better telling it instead of read it because it has difficult vocabulary so we´ll adapt it to this age. Other adaptation would be the large of the book so we´ll read it in two days.

With Zog children can improve their creativity and learn about different topics as a child do it in his life.